7-13 world health weak
05 Mart 2020

Cardiovascular diseases continue to attract attention as a health problem, which is the most common cause of death in our country as in all over the world. Today, despite the distance and the development of new drugs, devices and techniques in the field of diagnosis and treatment, the awareness of our people about heart health is the most important and the most basic step in order to protect our heart health.

It is very important to know the risk factors within the scope of preventive therapies and to fight with them in a conscious and effective manner before the discomforts in cardiovascular diseases as it is in every disease. It should be kept in mind that we have many opportunities to protect from cardiovascular diseases by combating the risk factors that we may not be able to change or at least control, although we cannot change and control the risk factors such as age and genetic predisposition that play a role in the formation of cardiovascular diseases. The presence of diabetes (hypertension), hypertension (high blood pressure) and hyperlipidemia (high blood fat cholesterol, high triglyceride levels), effective diet, exercise, weight control and avoidance of stress. These are the main risk factors that we can keep under control. Avoiding tobacco and tobacco products such as cigarettes is very important in protecting against heart disease. Likewise, healthy and balanced nutrition, to provide weight control, regular exercise, to protect our heart health, we can easily carry out, and also for our environment, our family can apply from a small age lifestyle changes. It should be known that smoking, unhealthy nutrition, not exercising, and stressful life are not affected negatively by the heart.

The choice of white meat consumption and the acquisition of dietary habits created with natural fruits and vegetables rich in potassium, which is defined as the mediterranean cuisine in which olive oil is the leading one, is very important for the preservation of heart health. It should be kept in mind that especially prepared and fried foods, prepared foods containing preservatives and additives create serious threats for our heart health.

Based on the fact that we are one of the most salt-consuming communities in the world, we must change our salt consumption and salt habits in order to fight effectively with heart health problems such as hypertension and heart failure. While daily salt consumption is recommended to be 5 g / day at most, the fact that we have a very high salt consumption rate of 18 mg / day in our country is an issue that we should all consider. In the treatment of hypertension, which is one of the main responsible of heart and vascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke, it is very important to explain the importance of limiting the consumption of salt as well as exercise and weight control as well as regular medication use. In other parts of the world, although the situation is not very different, we should not forget that at least one third of the blood pressure patients with persistent damage to our most important organs, such as kidney, eye, heart, brain, do not know that they are blood pressure patients. At least one third of those who know that they have blood pressure are not taking regular medication, and at least one third of those who use it are not able to control blood pressure at the targeted level.


We can protect our heart health and our general health with lifestyle changes in order to prevent cardiovascular diseases.