Thoracic Surgery is the department that performs the surgical treatment of organs and tissues in the thoracic cavity. It performs the treatment of diseases such as lung membranes, chest wall, mediastinum, ribs and diaphragm by surgical methods.
Istanbul Mehmet Akif Ersoy Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Training and Research Hospital successfully performs all emergency and elective thoracic surgery operations in cooperation with technical and medical equipment, intensive care, chest diseases and cardiac surgery. Thoracic Surgery Clinic; lung and membrane diseases, lung cancer, lung metastases and lung nodules; empyema, bronchiectasis, diaphragmatic diseases, chest wall tumors and chest wall deformities, mediastinal cysts and tumors, mesothelioma, pleural diseases, pneumothorax and thymus gland tumors. Videothoracoscopic surgery (VATS), which is a prominent and advanced surgical technology in closed thoracic surgery (minimally invasive surgery) since 2011, and Robotic Surgery (Da Vinci Robotic System-Thoracic Surgery) since 2013, has been successfully performed in our Thoracic Surgery Center. it is applied.
Our Thoracic Surgery team continues to perform thymectomy operations performed on patients with thymoma and myasthenia gravis from lung cancer and mediastinal masses with videothoracoscopic (VATS) and Robotic Surgery procedures.